Monday, April 16, 2012



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! I was born in Sweden too and completed a lot of my work in Stockholm as well! Reading your interview I see that you never really liked to perform. how suprising! I love to show off my talents, infact I was the best-paid member of the Royal Court Orchestra. Your work though is quite interesting, however I agree with Ms. Rossetti! Saying that you hate the French! How offfensive, I have done a lot of traveling in my day and I will tell you France is a gorgeous place!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Ms. Lind,
    Good day. My name is Amy Beach. Like you, I am a very successful female musician. Both of us us had to overcome the constant struggle of trying to succeed as female artists in a prodominatly male society. I did also notice quite a few differences between us as well. First of all, you were a famous opera singer and actress where as I was famous for my compositions and ability to play the piano. Another thing is that you come from Swedan where as I am American. Our family lives were very different as well. You never seemed to have had a good relationship with your mother and your father wouldn't even claim you, which I am am deeply sorry for. My family life was a bit easier, although we did have our scuffles, especially when it came to my interest of music. Finally, even though you are a very talented musician, you seem to not have much of a passion for it, which is a shame. I love music with all my heart and noone can take that love away from me. Many people have tried to convince me to do something else with my life besides embark on a musical career but I didn't heed their words because I love music. In my opinion, you should do what you love. Don't do something just because you're good at it; do it because you love it.
    Altogether, you seem like you were a very talented artsist. I would very much like to hear some of your work or at least learn a little bit more about you. I can't wait to hear from you.
    -Amy Beach

  5. Jenny Lind, I was very impressed by your accomplishments, and surprised by your lack of desire to show off your talents, which is so rare for a performer. I believe that we are similar in that we are both successful female artists, though you are an opera singer, while I am a poet. I was rather offended though, that you did not believe that Italians were good enough to hear your voice. I am of Italian heritage, and I must say what a beautiful place Italy is.

  6. Ms. Lind,
    I fully agree with Ms. Rossetti on the Italians not being good enough to hear your voice. I am also of Italian heritage and Italy is a fine place. I think it amazing how you kept strong through having two parents that didn't want anything to do with you. You are a talented singer and I hope to learn more about you.
    - Fanny Elssler

  7. Hello Ms.Lind,
    Your blog was quite fun to look at!
    I see many similarities between us. Each of us have alternate names. You're known as "The Swedish Nightengale" while I'm the "Lady of Distinction" We are both successful European women.
    Differences would be how disconnected from your family you were. I was very close.
    If I was to judge you, my impression would be that you have a minor issue with your manners. Look over the beginning of your interview and think of ways you could've been more cordial to your guest. Despite this fact I respect your work.

  8. Well, well, well, Ms.Lind. I like you alot and right away I noticed you worked with my father! Manuel Garcia as did I! You sing, not as much as you act but you do sing which I like. You traveled to Paris while I lived there haha!
    But differences, well your swedish I'm not, I'm spanish.
    Judging, well I like so that's what matters mostly. In your interview you could've said more! Because I wouldve loveto hear more
    ! I want to know so much more about you! Please visit my blog!

  9. Ms. Lind! I am impressed! You seem to enjoy the art of singing much more than acting but alas I must say acting is the better choice. I think you have had yourself a very intresting life!
    We are similar because we both like to sing but are both still actresses! Also both of us dont get along very well with out mothers.
    We are diffrent because you are swedish and hate the french language while i am french and LOVE the french language! Also we differ because you began to sing at the age of 9 and i at 13!
    in conclusion i think you are great at what you do and very sucessful!
